[LIFE ~2012 in TOKYO~] & [TOKYO ~2012 in FUKUOKA~]



I patiently waited for Sony to upload these videos to VEVO channel…but they didn’t, so, here you go.

?LIFE?2012 in TOKYO??

[flashvideo file=http://www.yui-lover.com/wp-content/uploads/video/YUI_LIFE_2012_in_TOKYO.flv /]
It would’ve been more fun “TOKYO ~2012 in TOKYO”, though.. xD


?TOKYO?2012 in FUKUOKA??

[flashvideo file=http://www.yui-lover.com/wp-content/uploads/video/YUI_TOKYO_2012_in_FUKUOKA.flv /]

For more details about this videos please visit the thread in the forum!!