YUI’s appeareance in Satayan encore is UP!!
Translated by kikino-wants-to-listen-to-Mother-guitar-version ;(
skipped Hisashi’s son part.
?????YUI GALLERY in ????
Last month PASEO YUI GALLERY in Sapporo
took place!!
After that exhibition
YUI came to sapporo as well.
A figure of the show recorded
was uploaded some time ago.
??????????? ?
“Satayan encore”
250 names were selected on a raffle
It was a secret recording open to public but
Saturday Young Night open to public recording!!
in ??
in Sapporo
But mostly all the people
came from Hokkaido!!
Among other things
The raffle was off…!!
and stuff
Feeling really sorry
?? ??
That day’s pattern
as it is
so you can listen to it.
Director Katahira uploaded it for us!!
When there was time
the cellphones set (?)
From your computer
(or from your iPhone)
Please click and listen to it ok?
A sucession of questions to YUI.
How she spend her time off and
a talk of the time when she found a
music box of herself in
Otaru music box’s house.
Supposing, on a street live
your guitar case turns to be empty
what would you do?
It was sent
loaded with idle talks
Please tell me your impressions ok?
who came to the venue
move YUI saw lost’s of them for the first time (WTF)
The Questionnaire of that day
YUI was laughing right?
you could say she did it several times
I thought that people could still have such impression
thank you very much
Tomorrow’s recording
Backy, Kurochan
I’ll be counting on you.
By all means visit the forum