Hisashi Kondo Dokutsubo (2012.01.16) — 1405 Tomorrow’s way…


1405 ??Tomorrow’s way???

Translated by panda and kiki


”Tomorrow’s way”???????????
It was a work I had self confidence of
about the time of Tomorrows way release

The plans to follow had not being made yet

As always, after working on song making

Talking only with BOSS

After that also talking in secret with the staff

Walking as it is
(no idea how to translate this)

Changing her name at Four Valley

The backstage pass of that secret performance

After the performance ended
“there was nothing in the website about this?”

A young boy asked

I was really grateful. (or was the boy thankful?)


The explanation seemed to get complicated, so

bowing the head several times

Again, from the live house
(cant make sense to all this)

I recalled the day I returned totteringly walking to that place

Finally, the day after tomorrow

It’s Budokan right?

I’ll be busy with another work so I don’t think I’ll be there

I really can’t wait!

At the time, 2004

OLD ?????????VO??????i
With me in charge
The vocalist of a band called OLD Shinagawa and YUI

A precious shot!!

Both of them
are really nice!!

”??1?30???????????? ”
even on AIR”G
have a program called
“Late night 1:30, to the people in front of the radio”
also being a supporting band amongst other things…
like their own tour
While being loved by everyone
they are having an active year even in 2012.

They are a really cool
sounding band.

Today, meeting us and such…

Thank you very much.



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