YUI Diary (2010.07.11) — Hello! (Campaign, ramen and mosquito attack!)


Translated by waratte

Everyone, your health isn’t weakened, is it?

You can catch a cold in this season if you’re not prepared.

It’s YUI.

Recently, I went to Osaka and Kyoto for the campaign!

??????FM802?ROCK KIDS 802????????????????????????
The day of Tanabata, I had the privilege of appearing on Ohnuki Takuto-san’s live broadcast on FM802 “ROCK KIDS 802”!
The many great wishes were given to me on notecards.

Many of the notecards now adorn the inside of the studio, it was cool.

I received delicious takoyaki?

Takoyaki (octopus dumplings)

Nasu-san?Maeda-san?Kosai-san?Saitou-san*, you were a big help! Thank you very much!!

I realized, release day is just around the corner…!?**
I’m excited, but I want you to look forward to it!

Dewa dewa, everyone be Happy-chan.



P.S. ???????????????
P.S. Yesterday we did song production!

Also, for lunch I ate all ramen.
At first the firmness of the noodles looked like “Konaotoshi”.
They didn’t feel as firm as I thought!

| listed in the image are the levels of firmness that you can have your noodles boiled at…
| Konaotoshi — very firm (having the flour washed off in water)
| Harigane — more firm
| Mechabari — firm
| Bari — regular
| Yawame — soft


dewa dewa!


The day before yesterday, a mosquito appeared in the room.
How did it get in..?
But, it disappeared immediately, and not worried about it I went to bed.

Yesterday’s song production.
My hand was itchy!
And when I looked, something had stung it (laugh)

Today, I’m going to buy some anti-itch medication. laugh

dewa dewa wade!

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