YUI Diary (2011.11.22) — Shiga Prefecture! Nara Prefecture!


Shiga Prefecture! Nara Prefecture!

Translated by Hatsumichan

We went there!!

Good evening.

It’s YUI.

“I wonder if everyone’s catching a cold~” is what I’m worrying about, but are you all okay?

It suddenly got colder again huh.

My body and my mind are completely unable to keep up with it.
It’s so fast~

After the 2days of concerts that I had, even though many days have passed, my expression of gratitude for them is late!

Everyone from Shiga Prefecture!!

Everyone from Nara Prefecture!!

Once again, I had a lot of wonderful encounters with everyone.

Everyone, thank you very much for rushing over here for me!!

In Shiga Prefecture, Biwa Lake stretched out right in front of the venue and was very beautiful.

When I entered the venue and looked out at it, I felt very soothed.
Biwa Lake Hall seems like it was a venue originally used for operas, so the atmosphere and sound that I had never seen before was very fresh.

For those who are scared of heights and had seats in the top section, were you okay?

And, I’ve always thought this but, for those sitting in the front row in front of the speakers, the sound is very loud so I always worry about if you are okay.
I’m sorry.
To those who couldn’t see very well and had to stand on their tiptoes, thank you to you too!!

In Shiga Prefecture, I was happy that I was able to to talk with FM802’s Nomura Masao-san .
Nomura-san, Thank you very much!!

In Nara Prefecture, I sang a parody song “Shika ni aitai~” (I want to meet deer~) you know~

“I want to see the very big statue of Buddha (Daibutsu)!” or so I thought while heading to the concert!

Nara’s venue seemed to have been made in a boat motif, and so here was another mysterious shape as well.

In Nara Prefecture, I am extremely grateful to FM802’s Hirano Satoshi-san!
Hirano-san, thank you very much!!

So that was Nara, the place that made me feel warm and fluffy after hearing Chris (Drummer) happily tell his story of slowly walking forward towards a baby deer.

Thank you for talking to me a lot!!

Every time, I think this is a time I’ll never forget.
I hope that I was able to make that time enjoyable for everyone who came.

I’m thankful for meetings.
I was very happy to be able to meet everyone!!
I truly thank you?

Tomorrow is Morioka!! And then the day after that is Sendai!!

The first snow fall seemed to have happened too!
Let’s be careful when driving and of the coldness.

I’m looking forward to it!! (in Hakata dialect – I think….)

Adieu reimen~. (cold noodles that you dip in soup)



The atmosphere of the live in Shiga Prefecture.

The atmosphere of the live in Nara Prefecture.

Well then, well then~.

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