New Song “tomoshibi” Out Now — yui’s Comment Included


The new song was released just in time for yui’s birthday!
It’s only available in Japan for the time being, but you can listen to a preview here:

yui’s comment:

I have experienced all kinds of things through the years. Fun things, sad things, mortifying things and things I regret too… But with every passing day I have come to treasure all those thoughts as things that cannot be replaced.

I have grown old next to many people who have supported me. This is a song that I was able to write thanks to all those experiences. The theme of this song is Love.

We have continued making acoustic versions as well as a new one with a peaceful mood.

But there are also sharp elements and things I cant keep in secret for much longer (Haha) that I want to include into new songs. So please keep listening to the sultry FLOWER FLOWER!