Oricon Style. February 7th 2006 (Interview)


Translated from ???? (akabaneouji)

This is maybe YUI’s first appeareance on Oricon Style. The great selection of “Fukigenna Gene” was in the new year of 2005.

The real YUI
Being healed by music at the age of 17

I thought of listening to your work. It’s like if the bonds between you and your guitar are so strong that you could die if you didn’t had a guitar.
“…In order for me to survive, there is nothing more important than expressing yourself, if I didn’t have my guitar I wouldn’t be able to express myself.”

In that case, you probably had difficulties to express yourself before you started with music.
“Now that you say that… that’s right. I usually couldn’t speak my mind. When I started writting songs at highschool, I could finally manage to do so little by little.”

Until then, what type of child were you?
“I was a shy person, but I did a great effort. (laughed while blushing)”

You had the determination of opening yourself to other people right?
“Yes. I wanted to express by myself.”

Objectively looking at yourself, you are different (strange) compared to other middle school girls.
“Is that strange?”

Yourself which was shut from everyone else you were gloomy and had your own problems right?
“I was not gloomy, but I was absolutely horrible at talking to people, I liked playing outside where you come into contact with nature. I wonder if I spent too much time by myself…”

Ah, so by playing outside you don’t mean going out with friends, but more like accompanying nature.
“That’s right.”

Ahahahha, that is strange.
“Is it? Places like mountains, rivers, by the sea and paddy fields, I went exploring in them all.”

Was your exploration fun?
“It was more fun than going shopping.”

You were the type of child that was nowhere to be found.
“That’s why it seems that I’m an unusual  child.”

Translated by waratte pwrtsm and Kikino