yui Diary (2014.03.05) – This is yui. (Panic Disorder Announcement)


yui Diary 2014.03.05) – This is yui. yui???

Translated by: Spring Ephermal

How are you?

I have had hyperventilation and dizziness occasionally since a while ago, and had a medical examination at the hospital, where I was diagnosed with an illness called panic disorder.

Now, I’m having treatment and spending my life in a relaxed way. I am sorry to all those who are waiting and looking forward to various things. Although I would like to get going actively in my mind, now I am hoping that I could do little by little what I can do now, facing panic disorder. All the members and staffs have much understanding, about which I am so grateful.

As I have mind to get going at full throttle, I hope you will continue to take good care of me, although it might get slower than before.

Have nice days, every day.



Apology & Notice ????????:

It was announced that FLOWER FLOWER would appear Saitama Super Arena’s VIVA LA ROCK Concert held on May 3, 4, & 5. However, due to the diagnosis and after discussing with members and staff, I am allowed to cancel the appearance this time.

To each person who had been looking forward to this appearance, and everyone who is participating, I am sorry.

I think in the future, and wish you can watch after FLOWER FLOWER’s activities.

Thank you

2014?5?3.4.5.????????????????????VIVA LA ROCK???????????????????????yui??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????





gotchi: It’s unfortunate that reporters had published this panic disorder story out of someone’s own private life. In any case, we hope yui recovers well. It is probably the first time she has ever cancelled an event. She is usually a good trooper even performing when she’s not well. We hope things settle down and she may continue her goals while staying healthy and happy.

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