YUI Diary (2010.03.03) – Recording Everyday


Recording Everyday.


It’s been a long time.
Is everyone doing well?
As for me, I’ve been having fun recording every day.


When we record, everyone eats dinner (together),
and recently we discovered a delicious Udon shop.

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I’ve liked Onsentamago for some time, and so
udon and onsentamago sounded like a very delicious combination.
Everyone, have you eaten udon recently?
Later, while we were working, Icchi? was trying to be a photographer.
Is this Sleep Mode or Shy Mode?

I’m just sending Icchi’s mood. (laugh)

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We had a case of taiyaki brought in, Yay~!


Everyone has graduation ceremonies and other events and so on happening,
For those graduating, congratulations!
And aside from those graduation, those taking their first steps out into society, let’s have fun!

Dewa dewa, this has become long.
