YUI Diary (2011.07.18) — Jump !!



Translated by mrsean

Good evening.

Is everyone spending their time happily?

It’s YUI.

I am spending my time happily?

Nadeshiko Japan Won!! (Japan’s women’s soccer team won the world cup)

I’m so happy!

Thank you for all the message board posts!

During all this, band rehearsal has been continuing, and recording every day!

At the end of band rehearsal, after everyone had packing up,
Kuro-chan pulled out his Nikon camera,
“I want to take a funny picture”, he said, and got us to take this!


From left, ARISA?me?new staff member Jimocchan.

Because we let him take the picture, payback!

Everyone jump!!

From left, Backy-san’s back?Yuusuke?Kuro-chan?Youko-san’s back?Chris.

It was a lovely jump?

It was surprisingly hard to jump at just the right time for the picture!

We proceeded to take more pictures…

Amusing pose…

Nice expressions ARISA and Jimocchan!!

This feeling is called “Nigiyakkusu” (a combination of nigiyaka(busy) and relaxed)

It’s a typhoon, ne.
Some places are getting strong winds and rain, ne.
Everyone should be careful out there in the storm.

dewa dewa, adieu.



For recording, I am indebted to Kikuchi-san?Izawa-san.

Thank you very much?

dewa dewa!

You can leave your comments in the forum!