yui to perform at free events with Kurei Yukizu Band


yui will join a band called Kurei Yukizu to perform on a couple of free events.

The leader of Kurei Yukizu is Kurei Yuuki, ex member of Kimaguren.

The first event will be on February 24th. It will be some kind of expo with the aim of promoting the olympic games of 2020. There will be many activities other than the live performances taking place at the same time.

From the look of the stage they are planning, doesn’t seem like they are expecting a big audience… I wonder how many yui fans are gonna show up considering it’s free…


The next event is called “Minna Atsumare” (Let’s all get together). It’s some kind of social event for people to gather and celebrate living together (?). It will have art expositions, sport events and of course live music.


Event will take place on March 18th.

As susual, yui haven’t written any comments.