“fight” First Week of Sales: Lower Than Ever



Due to the poor promotion this single had, most of us were expecting low sales the first week.
In the end, fight became the worst selling single in YUI’s career.

1 208,039 Kanjani?
2 154,042 EXILE TRIBE
3 53,860 AKB48
4 46,827 C-ute
5 41,269 YUI

Source: Oricon

Click to enlarge

Source: http://blog.livedoor.jp/ustan777/


Most of us blame Stardust Promotion, YUI’s management agency, for the bad result.
The lack of planning, poor promoting campaign, poor (not to say non-existing) contents in the single’s Limited Edition was a trend repeating over and over since YUI came back from her hiatus. They thought their good luck would last forever, but the bubble bursted and these are the results.

I honestly hope Stardust will start taking their  job seriously for the next release, otherwise they should be replaced for a more competent team.

The numbers speak for themselves, but in case they haven’t realized our disappointment, I think it would be nice if we all leave a little complaint in YUI-net’s Message Board.

The discussion is still under development in the forum as well.