Hisashi Kondo dokutsubo (2010.05.28) — It’s been a while since we have a “find the difference”


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It’s been a while since we have a “find the difference”
Translated by azmikun

It’s been a while
I have “search for the difference”.

if you like,
I’ll challenge you.

it’s fairly difficult I think.

A )


B )

this is so high-level ? isn’t it?

the content of
search the difference
do you understand?

next is the last.
as it is

B )


C )

this one is simple isn’t it?

by the way!
(the suspicious bird’s woodcraft)

?????????????/we have closed the application period
????????/is it okay?

have you sent application?

I’m looking forward for raffle’s meeting.
I hope for your cooperation.

Thank you.


well then.

carefully during the babysitting…
thank you.

Leave your comments in the forum!