Hisashi Kondo dokutsubo (2011.04.10) — Cole Clark


Cole Clark

she’s dressing too stylish lately?

A moment!

Some people
might not recognize you right…?

Now then
… creation of songs DAY

While writting a new melody

The song-making is advancing favourably as always…

When evening came

We felt hungry, so we went out to eat.

At that time!

We passed by a Melon Kuma…!!


Isshi and YUI

They took a challenge of one match

They were very excited, but
Like I expected

They didn’t grab anything…

By the way,
as for the work

Yesterday, from the inside of the acoustic guitar

The pickup (Mic) is attached by default

I used the always stable Cole Clark.

In the stages of song-making and pre production

When the acoustic guitar was recorded in several parts, (genaral ones are not stable on the sounds quality, because they haven’t pickup)
But this doesn’t fickle like general ones.
And we use this frequently.

The song is kind and warm
since it has an acoustic sound
we are advancing thoroughly.

Thank you very much.

It’s spring right?





He received this “sweets” at his concert
and he visited us a whort while, bringing some.

Even thought he just finished the concert…
Thank you!!!

It was delicious.

Wich reminds me.
Kurochan’s Cole Clark is particulary superior
its sounds wonderful at concerts
so I often prefer to use it on stage.


Thank you very much.

Leavve your comments in the forum!