Music Station Blog (2010.07.14) — AKB48, Arashi, YUI – Varios and all kind of things


AKB48, Arashi, YUI – Varios and all kind of things

Translated by DameNingen


Then, this week is YUI-chan’s performance ?

Please look at the picture

Our tradition(?) we took a picture from both sides in the meeting.
If I speak properly , I should’ve taken a picture from YUI-chan’s back but, for some reason I took it from Yamamoto’s back.

In short. YUI-chan’s side is, for some reason, a closeup to Yamamoto’s face (laugh)

By the way, this is the Egg Shaker learning.


My rhythm sense is zero~?

I’m an hopeless pupil.

Yamamoto / Inoue Kazuhito

Check the forum for more info!