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Do you want the photo that you think is very precious to you to appear during YUI’s HK concert? Now, you got a chance!
What you need to do is to send us a picture that you think that is very precious to you. Send it to us from 5/5/2011 – 17/5/2011. When we got all the photo that fans has send us, YUI will personally choose the one she thinks that is the best and screen it in one of the item for the concert as background image. Of course, YUI will want to use all the available photo, but due to space constrain, we will need you people to send in photos and allow YUI to choose from! Those that was chosen will each receive a super duper limited edition sticker in return. Do you want to see your photo being shown during the concert? now’s the chance, dont miss it!
(1) ???/????????????email?privacy.hk@sonymusic.com;
(2) ???/?????CDR? DVDR??????????????
Sony Music Entertainment Hong Kong Ltd.(??: 24/F, Oxford House, Taikoo Place, 979 King’s Rd, Quarry Bay)?
To participate, You can choose 2 ways. either by E-mail, or by mailling to us.
All the photo will be handed to YUI to decide. Lucky winners will be informed via phone. and required to make a trip down to our company to get the prizes.
– ??????jpeg??
– ???????????1280×960
– ??????????????5?
– ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Photo Requirement:
-in .JPEG format
-resolution cannot be less then 1280×960
-Cannot send more then 5 photos.
-Must fill in a Participation form and email or mail it to our email address or comapany address.
Source: http://www.sonymusic.com.hk/yui/event.html
More info in Sony HK’s facebook
HQ video
Sample pictures
Translated by aron94
Visit the forum for more details