YUI arrives to Hong Kong (Photo and Video report)


Kikino reporting from Chile under full depression xD

YUI-Lover in Hong Kong!!

Thank you guys~
Sorry if I act like an idiot sometimes. <(_ _)>

The little bag contained this~

The wait was over…

YUI arrives!

Reporters, reporters everywhere!!

She took the time to take pictures and say hi to the fans. So nice!

YUI-Lover ? YUI@HK

e.u.Bando passed almost unnoticed… Arisa-chan barely made it into the shot Y__Y
Quit smoking, Backy!

From left to right: Super Stylist Datecchi, Gotchi, Stephanee and 3.. 2.. Icchi?!

YUI-Lover Train
All this looks like taken from a fairy tale… Y_Y

Hopefuly a lot of pictures will start to appear so please join this thread in the forum to share and grab :P

Video footage taken from Paparazzi Cyclo xD

News report from inews mingpao

YUI stopped right in the yellow line to say hi xD

YUI looks scared to death here xD