YUI confirmed to appear at NHK “SONGS” (November 10th)


As reported before, it is now confirmed that YUI will be featured in this show on November the 10th.


The show (I think) features several milestones of the artist’s career from their beginnings. Something like a biography. It might also include original performances.

Thanks to reports by fans on twitter, we know that the contents of the show will include YUI’s visit to her school in Fukuoka, (she played 5 songs there yesterday) and also her visit around Tenjin’s train Station.
Probably, footage of YUI at certain livehouse in Shibuya might be also covered.


When Shiina Ringo was featured in this show, she also visited her school in Fukuoka xD
Take a look at this video to have an idea of what this program is about~

For more details visit the official thread in the forum!!