YUI Diary (2012.07.10) – Are you all Genki?



Are you all healty?

It’s YUI.

I have negleted my diary a lot lately…

Thank you to all who have been taking a peek once in a while.

Tanabata festival and such had happened lately, did you all write your wishes?

My pointless wish was “I want to watch a lot of movies” ?

I hope all of your wishes to come true.

Now, changing the topic, I went to a photo session a while ago!
With all the color combinations it gives you a pretty feeling, so I’ll be happy if you look forward to it.

About my current works, I’ve written different songs, and while I do the arrangements I’m steadilty prepairig something!

It will be nice if all this can reach you all soon.

Anyway, I want to meet you all very soon ?

Please take care of your health!

Dewadewa, Adieu~


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