Yusuke received our present in gratitude for his help


Everybody were really happy and grateful for Yusuke’s kindness towards us. Being a person so close to YUI, you would expect him to be more distant when it comes to interact with fans.

But we were surprised when he showed himself so concerned about our birthday present to YUI.
I was almost completely sure the present got lost after the earthquake’s confussion. Even Hisashi -who even talked about last year’s present in his radio show- wouldn’t reply our messages, so I was about to give up on the subject. But since I have always distrusted Icchy, I had to find a way around him to confirm the present’s whereabouts.

The timing was perfect. Icchy was in Hong Kong making arrangements for the -at that time yet unknown- concert YUI will hold this month over there. And I recalled a contact email in honeybee’s website. I wasn’t sure, but I had the feeling that it would be Yusuke the person in charge of dealing with those emails. So I gave it a try.

The next step wouldn’t had been possible without the help of azmikun and hirotana. Yusuke must have thought: “This gaijin can really speak japanese!” But no. The brightest side of globalism made this possible. When I was sleeping, these guys were translating my messages with Yusuke back and forth. Thank you!

Finally, the present “appeared”, and a couple of days after, YUI was holding our CD in her hands for everyone to see.

After the raffle in aid to Japan, PWRTSM and MrSean won the two copies we put up for the contest, and Panda decided to give his copy to Yusuke in gratitude to his effort.

I don’t remember if it was my idea or someone else’s, but I thought it would be nice if I included a little cartonish portrait along with the CD. So I made this drawing:

And I didn’t sign it, on purpose. I’m still affraid that any kind of info related to me or to YUPI-Locks will automatically be banned from being published. But I’m 100% okay with that.

Gotchi later wrote a letter -again, trasnlated by hirotana- explaining Yusuke the reason of this present to him and also telling him we raised money for Japan.
And the package was sent…

I got it!

When I came to the office…

The present “from overseas” that was given to YUI & e.u.Band was given to me too!!

I think they wanted to express their gratitude for helping them to deliver the present.

Also thank you for the special portrait!

Once again I feel that I’m able to help a lot of people.

Thank you always for supporting us.



Good job everyone!

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