Get the chance to dance “” in the stage alongside YUI!!


Carrying on with announcements, another YUI Hong Kong concert activity will now start. We are inviting fans to perform on the same stage alongside YUI!!!
If everyone paid attention to a particular song inside YUI’s newest DVD,, you must have noticed that the special actions accompanying this song, with the song’s beat making everyone attending have a “large group dance”.

YUI is now inviting you fans, if want to perform this song on the same stage alongside YUI on 6/26 Hong Kong concert, then hurry up and learn the dance, all you have to do is shoot a short video, and upload to the Hong Kong concert organisers between 5/15 – 5/26, you will have the chance to be handpicked by YUI to be a dance member, the chance to be able to perform on the same stage, its a chance that doesn’t come round often.

If you guys don’t know how to do the dance, you can watch YUI personal introduction short clip, once you watch it you’ll get it!!
We will gather all the participants’ videos and give them to YUI, YUI will then finally choose 10 members. The lucky winners will receive further notice. So everyone hurry up and get a friend to film it, and don’t let go of this chance!!!

Souce: SME HK Facebook
Translation by panda scares me

Go to the forum for more information!