HOTEL HITS Hong Kong Charity Goods are a Joke


Overpriced bad quality goods.
(Panda said they are overpriced not me xP )

Sorry guys, but in my humble opinion, this is bullshit.

After reading all these news about “YUI’s charity concert in Hong Kong” I was expecting ALL GOODS PROCEEDS to go to charity, but no. These goods you see here are only three from a huge collection of not-charity goods to be sold, and all the rest will go to $ONY’s pockets. (most probably)

All the other goods -that I will not promote here- are better quality and more attractive. But they decided to make these cheap stationary for kids to help the victims of the earthquake.
I’m not even Japanese, but I feel ofended by this.

Some comments from YL members (quite a lot actually):

“Actually… i don’t really like charity goods T_T” -KiM

“I wont get any charity goods, sorry to say” -aron94

“seriously im expecting the live to be quite shit too” -pwrtsm

“our (YUI-Lover) shirt is better than those” -dso

“Ya… we were expecting all sales are for charity” -pmmonkey

“That Charity Goods section looks so pathetic!” -cyclo

“I think the charity goods are not so attractive to me…but don’t forget they are $ONY” -StrawberryoO

“I’m probably not the first one here to say that the t-shirt from the Oui 2008 tour is far better than any HHITS based t-shirt” -MonkOfWar

I’m still pretty perplexed by this. But my first thoughs are. Stop supporting $ony and don’t buy anything but these charity goods. Don’t buy t-shirts, phone straps, trading cards….Nothing.
Or at least, if you are buying the not-charity goods, at least make sure you buy all these FIRST.

And bring all the cameras you can inside that concert hall. I had enough.