Okawari Tour at Hiroshima CLUB QUATTRO (2018.09.05)


Inko no Mure Okawari Tour at Hiroshima CLUB QUATTRO.

1.? inochi
2.???? powerful
3.??? ice
4.???? coffee
5.?????? anata to taiyou
6.?? kamisama ~acoustic version~
7.??????? start line ~acoustic version~
8.?? ubugoe
9.? tsuki
10.?? odori
11.?? tokei
12.???? byebye
13.??? hikari
14.???? chiisana mado

Good-bye days
??????? subarashii sekai


Short report thanks to yukou from discord.

The set list was the same as Takamatsu Olive Hall. The costumes style were also the same. At first MC yui said, “It looks like today is gonna be boring, but I wish we can be cooperative today.” She also mentioned her pregnancy.

After Ubugoe, yui introduced the band members. When introducing sacchan, was mafumafu talking about curry very much instead of sacchan. It was because sacchan doesn’t talk much.
yui said, “These two uncles seem to be becoming Indian.” (because they like curry very much) Someone in the audience asked whether they have eaten curry today. Mafumafu answered, I had udon curry today.
yui introduced mafumafu and murajun later. yui asked the audience to be more energetic and sang Tsuki. Continued by Odori until Chiisana mado.
When singing coffee, in other concerts before, the part of “futsu mo soujanai mo” is changed to “futsu mo kichigai mo”, but this time, yui sang it as the original lyric “futsu mo soujanai mo”.

During the encore FF entered the stage. When yui took the guitar, someone in the audience gave a red cap to yui. She worn it and posed as if she was throwing a baseball ball.
After that she asked mafumafu to wear it. Because his hair is too thick, he loosed the cap. After that, yui sang Goodbye days. In the middle of the song, mafumafu put the cap on yui’s head, but because it was too loose, yui felt disturbed by it and put the cap aside. After the reff, yui worn the cap again.
The last song was Subarashii sekai.  In the last song, yui used her new “Gibson” guitar.