Saji Norihide Blog (2017.08.09) — Thank you, Ohara Break


Thank you, Ohara Break

Hello. The other day I performed at a summer festival after a long time with FLOWER FLOWER. It was Ohara Break summer festival. Really, thank you so much.

Ohara Break was a festival loaded with hand-made feelings.

The last time we performed with FLOWER FLOWER at a festival was by the end of 2013 at COUNTDOWN JAPAN. Ah, it was a really long time.

Solo concerts and collaborations have a different atmosphere compared to festivals. I love them. You get to meet with many different artists and listen to them. They encourage you.

At Ohara Break, I had the chance to meet Sakura Fujiwara and Hiroji Miyamoto from Elephant Kashimashi. I was so happy.

Sakura Fujiwara’s face… was so small. It surprised me. She was so cute. I’m such a fanboy (Haha)

As soon as I met Hiroji Miyamoto from Elephant Kashimashi I realized how charismatic he is. He is really cool.

Singing with that outfit and all will undoubtedly win me over. Ah, such people really do exist. He really gives me motivation.

Also, The festival itself is not really big. It’s very cozy. It’s a warm festival that feels hand-made.

The dressing room was the lodge (haha) It wasn’t a dressing room made in a hurry for the festival. It was a smallish lodge (Haha). It was the first time I saw something like that. It was so hot too (Haha)

The meals the artist and staff had was made by local people. It was very delicious. Specially the curry (Haha) Curry again?! (Haha)

Above all, The location was superb. It was right next to the lake Inawashiro. Supreme. Really, thank you so much!

The first song I played live with FLOWER FLOWER.

Of course the performance with FLOWER FLOWER was good. The setlist was so good. There, I said it (Haha).

The first song I performed with FLOWER FLOWER was also included. It fitted the festival’s atmosphere, the arrangement too. And the dragonfly too (Haha). It was a good performance. Well, more than an arrangement it was a general framework, for the atmosphere of the place… that kind of feeling. Isn’t that always the case? (Haha).

At any rate, it was a great performance. Thank you so much.

Well then. The day after tomorrow is ROCK IN JAPAN. In the same stage of 2013?

4 years later. It feels similar, but different. But it’s still the same? I don’t get it (Haha) We will show you such FLOWER FLOWER. We will do it.

Thank you as always.



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