Takaco Inoue’s blog (2012.07.17) — YUI at the Beach!



LLPW-X’s Beach house inside the southerly wind “Kandori store” OPEN

Translated by Aaron, azmikun, gotchi, PWRTSM, blackdog, Hatsumichan and Kikino

From yesterday 16th
Kandori store is OPEN!

Overcoming problems like the slow delivery service
the beach hut makes it’s debut safely ^^

This is OPEN from the outside

Brilliant-Battle-Girls’s couple.
How many Kandori Chicken did they grill yesterday?

this is OPEN from the inside

the stickers pasted everywhere gives you a handmade feeling!

I’m pretending as if I’m really grilling the chickennnnnn

YUI appears!

The other day I thought she came to Bank (the doujo) unexpectedly,
This time she also came unexpectedly to the beach hut!

Are you a groupie? (Haha)

Bitting into a Kandori burger!

I, with the?Brilliant-Battle-Girls??who will debut

These girls know YUI’s charm veeery well..

If they absorb a lot of good points
and use it in their own way to polish their own extra special skill,
something that only Saki can do,
and a charm that only Mizuki has
So that when they come together to be “BuriBato?”
their individuality will be absolute!

There are a lot of things that can be learned from YUI,
Give your best!! (Brilliant-Battle-Girls?)

Without thinking of the consequences
She jumped into the sea…….

It can’t be helped, so I gave her a T-shirt and cargo pants that I received
from LLPW-X’s supporter “GESTS” san.

By the way, these are for sale at Kamidori store~~~

She called me “Neesan” (Older sister).

Very cute YUI.
There is an age difference,
but I respect her very much.

Let’s be friends from now on!

Yesterday, many friends came down to congratulate us
It was very fun!~
Everyone ate delicious food
I told them to please come agaaaain ^^
So happyyyy

but, because I am not always there,
after giving confirmation, please come~~~~~~(haha)

If you tell me “I went but you weren’t there”
It’s gonna be a probleeeeem (Haha)

These photos
were not planned to come, and yet
these are the photos that were taken by Taguchi-shi
who unexpectedly came to the entrance.

I wonder if I should have got into the sea without thinking too… (Haha)

Let’s be Happy.

Source: http://ameblo.jp/takaco-i/entry-11304766308.html

And yet another picture from http://ameblo.jp/kaomeshi1027/

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