YUI Diary (2011.12.29) — Kagoshima! Tottori! Ehime!


Kagoshima! Tottori! Ehime!

Good afternoon, its YUI
It’s been a long time everybody!
Are you all alright?

There are only a few concerts left on this Tour!

I’m grateful for all the wonderful encounters that I have had ?

Welcome to kagoshima!


I don’t use “dewasu” much, but I tried it this time
It’s cool isn’t it?

At Kagoshima I met DJ-POCKY, who I’m indebted to since my debut

At Kagoshima, Kurobuta is very famous, so I also tried it
I ate sweet potatoes and they were sweet and delicious~

I imagined Kagoshima as a warm place
I was happy that the concert was as warm as I imagined

Tottori was so heavily snowed that I was surprised!

I’m happy it became a White Christmas
Snow plows pass at night right?
We must be careful not to slip and fall OK?

For a Kyushu born person, snow I something rare, so I was in high spirits.
We made snowball fights and a snowman with everybody.
I was glad, because even if you fall it doesn’t really hurts (lol)

That day it was Christmas, so we sang jingle bells with everybody!

At Tottori, something about a guy of some radio show, illumination and more food i think

Also, personally, speaking of Chugoku Eventor, Candy Hamada-san!

Candy Hamada and Kyoji (concert producer)

He drove us very fast this this time too!
Thank you very much.

It was cold outside because of the snow, but our hears were heated up!

The following day, we moved by bus.
We traveled on a big bus with all the staff and band members for about 6 hours.

On the way, we had lunch at a service area.
Playing with my puzzle rings in the bus made me feel dizzy.
At the bus, the circle parts of the puzzle ring are dangerous!

And then, Ehime!

The previous time, I stayed a t an inn near Dougo Onsen for the campaign of the movie Closed Note so I felt affinity with the place ?

Matsuyama concert was the last concert of the year, so I tried my best to have as much fun as possible!
The atmosphere inside the venue was also warm so I was happy.

Thank you for all your cheers of support.

At Matsuyama, I received a favour from Ehime FM’s Masaoka Shougo-san
Aaand they talked about the onsen and food again I think

Band members went to that onsen in the morning of the appointed day. I was so envious…
I absolutely want to go next time.

Letters and presents also arrived properly.
They were filled with emotions. I’m happy for that.
Thank you for all of you who lined up at the goods selling point.
I was happy for reading about people who didn’t go to the concert, but they went to buy goods anyway.
But I’m sure it was very cold, so please have a good rest an warm your body ok?

To all of you who rushed to the venue, and to those who supported me, really, thank you..

I look forward to the day we can meet again.

Today I’m in the middle of music production after a long time.
I forgot to buy a souvenir to Hisashi-san…
Let’s keep it a secret.

The next will be the starting of the new year concert!

I can’t wait for Hokkaido~?
My heart heats up.

Dewa dewa, in the metropolitan area there are lots of drunk people in the year-end party season, so please take care of drinking too much and getting a cold okay~




Yesterday I watched the special DVD of Hanaregumi-san’s Oasis album
There were scenes of their studio working process, the comfortable atmosphere looked so fun~
It’s a great DVD ?

Also, “Kaito Royale” has finished right (?^?)?
The last part was emotive right?.
Family love, fraternal love, it was lovely.
the game looks fun ?

Whell then, I think want to write another loose diary another time!

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