YUI Talks about her Hiatus and Best Album (Oricon interview)



Translated by warate and kiki.
Might not be 100% accurate ^_^; 

Source: Oricon.co.jp


“I discovered new challenges that I want to try”


–There seems to be many people surprised by YUI-san’s decision. This time, you are stopping your activities to prepare for something new that you want to try, aren’t you?
YUI: Right. Before the announcement, I felt a bit insecure about how everybody would react.
I wanted to convey the announcement of my decision properly using my own words, for the sake of all the fans who have always supported me, and to those who treasure my songs.

–You made this announcement through your official website, with a handwritten letter, right?
YUI: I thought if I made a handwritten letter, my feelings would be expressed more sincerely, so I made that proposal.

— What do you mean by “new challenges”? I’m really curious.
YUI: Everyone is curious right? (Haha) Within this year, I reflected upon many things. Among them, the idea of having reached my limit arisen too, but I also discovered that I wanted to challenge new things. And I had a really front-facing feeling. (In 2008) I also used the word “Limit” when I took a break. But there is a clear difference between that time and my actual self. Now, I want to advance steadily, facing a new challenge that comes from within me. I can clearly see what I want to do. And this stop of activities is in preparation for this. It won’t be a long time. I think it will be nice if I can convey this to everybody.

— Surely, your fans don’t believe YUI will stop music too.
YUI: Myself, I think I want to continue music from here on out. If there is people who believes in my return to new activities and is willing to wait for me, I’ll be happy.


“Throughout these 8 years, my inner spirit hasn’t wavered.”


— This time, the simultaneous release of two best albums tightly concentrates tracks from these past 8 years since your debut.
YUI: It’s a considerably number of songs (36 in two albums) so it became a very deep best album. Every single song is packed with memories.

— What criteria did you use to prepare the tracklists?
YUI: Deciding between rock and pop songs, I didn’t use the release order, I based on the colors of the album’s titles to balance each one of them. There are many songs that I played live with everyone, so I made it so that it would feel like a setlist of a live concert.

— Any song in this compilation that you consider particularly impressive?
YUI: Every song have memories and fondness, so all of them are important. But CHE.R.RY, after becoming a song for a commercial, many people came to know me thanks to it, so I have affection for it. As for TOKYO, I wrote this song after moving from my birthplace, Fukuoka, to Tokyo at times of anxiety and expectation. It’s the song that mark my starting point.
After performing Good-bye days, the song that became the theme song of the movie Taiyou no Uta, it became a big influence to my music activities after that. Being a teenager, my message was “let’s give our best”, after growing older, my message changed to a more adult point of view to “Give your best” The desire of making new music with a new sound also increased. I felt like the world of my music spread out.

— Have your feelings towards music and singing changed throughout these 8 years?
YUI: The desire of becoming strong has remained unchanged within me. I have always held my head high, keeping a resolution, facing towards music. I didn’t want to become reckless no matter what happened. I don’t think my inner spirit has wavered at all.

— Not only playing acoustic guitar by yourself, but you also started playing electric.
YUI: In the beginning I was surprised because if I played electric with the same strenght I played acoustic, the strings would snap (Haha) I thought that acoustic and electric produce completely different music, So I decided to practice electric thoroughly. The way you compose music and sing for both electric and acoustic are also different!

— Doesn’t look like you will be going on tour or doing any lives for this best album. It’s a real shame.
YUI: Many people have told me that. It’s because this year I have decided to stop from so many activities. But from now onwards, there are many things I have interest on. And I can try them with a flexible mind without being afraid of change. I want to face towards music. That feeling will not change in the future. I definitely don’t want to stop making music. So please wait for me okay? I’m looking forward to the day we can meet again. This is the most important feeling that I want to convey to everyone.

Link to the official thread in the forum