Details about “GREEN BOOK”, “ORANGE BOOK” and “WHITE BOOK”



A photo booklet has been announced for the purchase of both best albums ?GREEN GARDEN POP??ORANGE GARDEN POP? to be released on December 5th.

The contents include pictures of YUI in Fukuoka before her debut, her private trip to New York, also a picture that only a small part of YUI’s staff core knew about “YUI wearing a long-sleeved kimono” a lot of pictures never published until now. Director in charge, Makoto Ichihara, commented: “We spent a lot of time making this selection without compromise. The Staff wanted to express our feelings of gratitude to all the fans who have being supporting us for such a long time”

With the topics “Before her debut to her twenties” and “From her twenties to present day” we’ll loock back into YUI’s history, each album will include the “GREEN BOOK” and “ORANGE BOOK” completing a deluxe edition with a photo book of a total of no less than 100 pages.


The story of YUI from being a young child, until becoming an adult woman in 18 songs repectively. A total compilation of 36 songs altogether that we will enjoy while remembering all these episodes.

Also for the purchasers of both copies, the WHITE BOOK will be somewhat different from the others.
It will be an offshoot photo book with cute pictures taken by YUI herself also included.

Information about this book is still a bit vague…

Everybody buy this shit.


For more information about the release of this album visit the official thread in the forum!