FLOWER FLOWER provides four theme songs for the movies based on Daisuke Igarashi’s manga



FLOWER FLOWER is in charge of the theme songs for the movies “Little Forest”.
Translation: Tetsuro Haluta; Edition: Kiki


Little Forest is a movie adaptation of a famous manga of the same title created by Daisuke Igarashi. The story is about the life of the heroine, Ichiko, performed by Ai Hashimoto, who comes back to a village surrounded by a vast wilderness from the city, and leads a life of self-sufficiency. The story describes cuissine made with fresh ingredients of each season, and it’s composed of four parts, spring, summer, autumn and winter.

FLOWER FLOWER was commissioned to write 4 new songs for each chapter of the movie under the themes “Summer” “Autumn” “Winter” and “Spring”. Regardingthe songs. yui commented:

“I felt that this work would be special for me as well. Actually reading the manga, they let me watch scenes of the movie in the middle of production. Looking at the heroine, who is staring at herself while she leads a life within nature (four seasons). The images came across immediately, and we were successful in our first trial of creating the four-parts song having fun during the session with all the whole band together as one”.

The producer of “Little Forest” is Keiichiro Moriya, who also produced the movie “Taiyou no Uta”, released in 2006, in which yui acted as the heroine and was also in charge of its theme song. He said that he offered this opportunity to yui, because of the theme of this movie, that is, to live strongly but naturally in a Tohoku mountain village, is linked to yui, who started the new activity of music. Moriya says about her impression “I have been acquainted with her since “Taiyou no Uta” and she has had something hidden like an adversarial quality which is ill-fitting with her cuteness and an atmosphere like she’s always fighting against something”. And about the creation of this new songs, he remarks: “I think they are made as wonderful songs that you can see an aspect of yui-chan, which is new and a little different from her when she was solo. So, I’m glad if you enjoy all the four songs, spring, summer, autumn and winter”.

The movies “Little Forest”, will be released; the series summer and autumn on August 30, and the series winter and spring on February 14, 2015.

Comment by the producer, Keiichiro Moriya.

This work, “Little Forest” may be regarded as a kind of healing movie, which describes a girl who lives slowly in the vast nature at a glance. But, in reality, it’s the story of a girl who lives clamping her teeth shut by herself in a harsh nature.
I felt that the figure of the heroine fighting by herself against something unseen and big kind of overlaps with yui-chan.
I have been acquainted with her since “Taiyou no Uta” and she has had something hidden like an adversarial quality which is ill-fitting with her cuteness and an atmosphere like always fighting against something.
When I asked her to make the theme songs this time, I didn’t ask her trivial matters and let her compose the songs according to her own inspiration.
Splitting the theme song into four parts corresponding to each season was also proposed by yui-chan herself.
I think thiese will be wonderful songs in which we’ll see a new aspect of yui-chan, which is a little different from her when she was a solo artist. So, I’m glad if you enjoy all the four songs, spring, summer, autumn and winter.

2014.06.03 Little forest promo

Source: natalie


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