HISASHI KONDO Dokutsubo (2011.01.17) — Don’t You Know C-C-B?


1041 C-C-B???????
Don’t you know C-C-B ?

Translated by Kiki-san

Today it was the last babysitting day.

I think it went pretty well
Thank you for the hard work (?)

By the way
Rejected picture Series

“Revival picture’s exhibition”
Is it ok…?

Here I go~


The first picture is from MV recording time
Backy went, but why?
Standing by for the set’s change

Polishing MaiMai’s car? Thats what he was doing.
“Oniisan this part is dirty too”
“Eh? where?”
It gives you that feeling…
It was a heartwarming moment. XD

Right after that
It was cold right?

Backy confined in his beloved car.

She was wearing those pink glasses Datecchi prepared for her.

It looks like a C-C-B right?
… don’t you know?

In the next pictures
I made a find the difference game
with a big climax.

It’s excessive

was it really expected?
a bitter smile is above.
(Didn’t really get this part)

It was rejected in the end, but
since I have the chance, let’s try?




What do you think?

Than you.




The rest is asdfg
(Soregashii ARTIST is really a band)

Come share your comments in the forum!