YUI – Nobody Knows
Translated by Hatsumichan
Kakko tsukeru no ne
So you’re trying to be cool huh [1]
Yeah ???????????
Yeah wakatta you na furishite
I pretend like I already knew
kimi no yaritai you ni
And I end up saying something like [2]
um ??????????????
um yareba ii sa toka icchatte
“Just do things the way you want to” [2]
aranami wo wataru
Crossing over stormy seas
mada minu machi e iku
I go to a place that has not yet been seen [3]
hitori yogari de wa
Remaining self-complacent [4]
Yeah ??????? ????Days
Yeah kiken sugiru no yo RIARU na days
is too dangerous for these REAL days [5]
settoku mo suru
I’m also trying to convince you
um soko wa akiramecha ikenai
that you can’t give up there
kodomo mitai na me de
Are you going to say those innocent things
mujaki na koto iu no
with child-like eyes?
Nobody Knows
anata omou yori
Much more than you think they are,
?????? ah ah
hito no kimochi wa
people’s feelings are
fukuzatsu na PAZURU
a complicated puzzle
amaku micha ikenai ki ga suru
I have a feeling they cannot be taken lightly
ah Baby Baby Baby
jirettai hodo
Worrying to the point of getting irritated
ah nayanjatte susumenaku naru no yo
And then you’re unable to move forward you know [6]
dakara tayori ni shiteiru
That’s why I rely on
I follow my friend
tsugi wo mezasu toki ni wa
when I’m aiming for the next step [7]
shitagau koto datte
Things that follow the rules are
tadashii sentaku
the right decisions
Nobody Knows
utagau dake nara
If all you do is doubt others
?????? oh oh
tayasui koto
take the simple things
tameiki no pazuru
and the puzzle of your sighs
sotto narabe naoshite miru no
and try to gently re-align them
ah Baby Baby Baby
ira ira shite tachi domatte
I get annoyed and stop in my tracks
demo guchirazu ni taete miseru kara
but without complaining, I’ll show you that I can endure this
hottoite yo
So leave me alone
ukkari nayanda kao nante misete
If I inadvertently showed my troubled face
nagusame ga hajimatta nara
and the comforting started
nagabiite shimau dake da wa
it would only end up prolonging it
ii ko no furi de hanashi wo kiku no mo
Because pretending to be a good girl and listening to everyone’s words
hontou wa ne
actually, you know,
tsukarechau kara
really makes me tired
Nobody Knows
tsuyoku aritai
I want to be strong
??????? oh oh
doko e nigetemo oh oh
No matter where I escape to
oikakete kuru
They come running after me
guzu guzu dekinai
I can’t linger around
Nobody Knows
anata omou yori
Much more than you think they are,
?????? ah ah
hito no kimochi wa
people’s feelings are
fukuzatsu na PAZURU
a complicated puzzle
amaku micha ikenai ki ga suru
I have a feeling they cannot be taken lightly
ah Baby Baby Baby
ah Baby Baby Baby
[1] – You can translate ??? (ne), however you want as long as it basically has the idea of confirming for agreement from another party on something that the speaker may already know, so for example: “right?” or “you know?” I used “huh” as in “So you broke my guitar huh…” (same general idea)
[2] – ?????? (icchatte) – Any verb that ends with a “chatte” or a “jyatte” expresses the idea that someone did that action but kind of “regrets” doing that action, or it was something that they didn’t mean to do, but they ended up doing it anyway (which is why it’s translated how it is). And these two lines need to be read in succession.
[3] – ? (machi) – has a lot of meanings depending on how it’s used: “town,” “block,” “neighborhood,” “street,” etc… but I kinda took some poetic license and made it into “place” because it seems more general and fits more with the vague image of going somewhere that hasn’t been seen before. You can replace “place” with “town,” “block,” “neighborhood,” “street” etc… if you want. It doesn’t sound as pretty in my head and it gets too complicated ^^;;
[4] – ??????? (hitoriyogari de wa) – So ?????(hitoriyogari) means to be complacent with oneself, and the ?(de) after it means that you’re “in the state of being” complacent and you can either do something in that state, or just stay that way. In these lyrics, the ?(wa) is referring to the “constant state of being complacent” and saying that that “is too dangerous” (Which is why it’s translated as it is)
[5] – ????days (RIARU na days) – So RIARU is the Japanese pronunciation of “real” and then adding the “na” after it makes it an adjective describing “days,” but if YUI just wanted to say “real days” she could’ve just said it all in English, but to me, “REAL na days” makes it kind of limited because there may be days that are not described as “real.” So like for example: “Today is a rainy day”, but that doesn’t mean tomorrow will be a rainy day. Now think of “real” in this lyric as being the same type of adjective as “rainy.” So I threw in “for these REAL days” for the translation to make everything connect and to make it kind of show that there are those specific days that are “real”. (DID THAT MAKE SENSE AT ALL?! )
[6] – ?(yo) at the end of a sentence expresses emphasis that what the speaker is saying is something that the speaker feels strongly in and knows for sure (therefore the “you know” as a part of the translation).
[7] – ?(tsugi) literally just means “next,” but it has the implication of there being a next stage or step that someone wants to accomplish. So if I’m grading papers and I say “tsugi!” to my assistant, I could either mean that I want the next paper, or I want the next class’ pile, or I want the next assignment to grade. Either way, it shows that I want to move forward to the next step/stage of my job, which is how I interpreted it here.