sacchan’s blog (2013.12.30) — COUNTDOWN JAPAN13/14



Translated by @ameth__

FLOWER FLOWER has just performed at GALAXY STAGE!
Thank you very much!

That was this year’s last stage, but I think we’ve done a Live with Session feeling and Jam feeling, today.
Everyone, thanks for your visit.

Rockin’on made a report on today’s Live “here” [link]
Thank you very much.

After show’s band shots are “here” [link]
It’s written that we have “a relieved look”, but
my face, it’s not relieved at all (laugh)
so shameless (laugh)

We’ve already announced it in a Live, but
{I’ll announce it one more time that} FLOWER FLOWER will hold a Tour next year*’s spring!
The sound source is already made!!
Please look forward for it!

Having our Live done, we watched ska-para’s Live…
it was great after all~
I was carried away~
What was that entertainment feeling?
ska-para: Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra

Motegi Kin-chan on drum, Katou-san on guitar,
Oki-san on keyboard, everyone (ska-para member) was really cool!
Furthermore, everyone (ska-para member) is really kind, they’re the best.
I want to be that kind of adult~

Thank you very much for this year {2013}.
Welcome a new nice year.

2013.12.30 sacchan blog

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