Saji Norihide Blog Entry (2017.05.3)


Props to sacchan for keeping the fandom alive!

Everyone is rushing into Golden Week mode.
As for the weather, it’s the most pleasant season.
Which made me want to listen to “Shiki” by FLOWER FLOWER once again.

The album is dedicated to Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, in respective songs.

I think it was “Haru” (Spring) the last song we made in that album.
It’s fresh and lively so it fits very well in this season.

I played around a bit in the second verse.
Now that I listen to it makes me feel a bit embarrassed.
Well, I’ve felt that way ever since the release (Haha).

“Will I dare to make such an arrangement now?”
That kind of embarrassment Haha.

But I think it’s great to do trivial things in a serious way.

The distortion of mafumafu’s bass during the interlude was also on point.


Do you know how to read????

By the way, do you know how to read ????

It reads “Shiki”

Even the person who named it reads it as “Iro”.
Makes me feel surprised lol

“*** disqualified!”

You also read it wrong don’t you? lol

Putting that aside.

You can feel all seasons in “Shiki”.
I think it fits really well in “Little Forest”, the movie by Hashimoto Ai-san.
I had that feeling when I watched it in the preview screening I assisted to.

Specially, when I listen to “Summer” it reminds me scenes of Little Forest.
Maybe that scene going down the hill road?
You hear music with your ears, and yet it reminds me of a smell and I feel all emotional.

People’s creativity is amazing

All the songs in “Shiki” were made through live music sessions.
Even I can’t believe it.

Why were these songs born from music sessions?
How could we do it in a session?

What’s more, we didn’t even watch the movie beforehand.
We just made the songs from out own mental images.

Talking a bout the music, I think both “Haru” and “Natsu” fall into the pop category; whereas “Aki” and “Fuyu” can’t fit into that category.

“Aki” is my favorite.
It has a pleasantly cool electronic atmosphere.
Somehow feels like an early 2000’s folktronic song.

Probably it’s due to murajun’s electric keyboard.
The electric piano also has this warm feel, but it also feels pleasantly cool.

My favorite part is the ending.
The electric keyboard and a piano come together.
Makes me exclaim: “Woaah, feels so sad”
You really did it, murajun! lol

“Fuyu” is not about a winter overseas, but winter in Japan.
The expression of free jazz assembled in a group.
A rather mysterious taste.
What’s that?! lol

Of course, yui’s lyrics and voice are so painful it becomes dangerous.
Feels autumn-wintery (there is no such word, right lol)
It’s remarkable.
So painful!

Listening to it again.
“Shiki” is a mysterious work, or rather, a masterpiece.

There are stories in these songs.
So good!

I shouldn’t say that myself, though! lol

But really, how did we manage to do that?
I can’t remember.
I don’t think we could do that twice. lol

Well, “Mi” is also an unbelievable album to me.

Of course, from now on I want to continue to make songs with FLOWER FLOWER. Songs so amazing I won’t believe how we made them.

Aah, human creativity is really impressive!

That was me, encouraging myself by listening to our songs.
Am I stupid?! lol

Well then. For a great Golden Week!
As always, thank you so much.
