Staff Diary (2012.09.10) — Was it goood?



Was it goood?

Hello everyone!
Did you enjoy this “YUI week” fully???

This time they let us perform together with a choir at “MSta” and “CDTV”
As I thought it was a nice collaboration!
Also, in “MJ” YUI played alone with her guitar
This made you feel emotional too right?

Okay, although it was already undisclosed
Yes! What we already mentioned in the blog
It was about our visit to “Hachijo Island” for NHK’s special program!
Haaaaa~~ Completely!!!

It will be aired on NHK channel on September 29th!
Please do look forward to this as well!!!

the picture is at “CDTV” recording with everyone in the chorus! Peace!

Don’t forget to join the forum where the magic happens!