YUI Diary 2010.04.18 — Entry!



Translated by waratte and azmykun

Good Evening. It’s been a while.

This is YUI.

Mina-san, are you all staying healthy?

For me, daily recording continues !
Things are going favourably !

Thank you very much for your impressions
of the first airing of the new song.

They brought me encouragement !

Just recently I went to see Moriyama Ryouko’s concert !

overall it was fantastic live


in the middle of that, the thing really impressive was [zawawa~] of wellknown [satoukibihatake] and [namida sou sou].

It was concert that could wash my heart.

also, a lot of impression,
while having fun I think I’ll spend time with daily recording

everyone please take care from coldness and let’s having fun!

with happy

dewadewa, adiea~
(particularly there is no meaning? dewadewa)

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