Staff Diary (2010.04.19) — MV shooting


Music Video shooting

Translated by popipo

Hello everybody!
otsukaresamade sweets!

???to Mother??
MUSIC VIDEO???????????
The other day
we went to shoot ?to Mother? MV!

That day, the weather was a bit rainy but
once again, Clear Weather YUI!

When we entered to do the shooting
the sun revealed its face

At the time we did the shooting
The snow started falling outside!
It was surprising.

For the first time, the band members
that participated were foreigners.

YUI talked openhearted with both of them
It was a lively conversation~

ah… by the way, those two
are fluent japanese speakers. (laugh)

Bassist Backy too
came in a rush
it was a busy/crowded shooting.

MUSIC VIDEO??????????
I think it became
a really graceful MV
Please do look forward to it!
Dewa dewa adiu~n!

Take a look the forum for more information!