YUI Diary (2010.08.03) — SETSTOCK’10??



Are you all healthy?

I am healthy!

Today we did pre-production (shock)
we advanced favourably

At Hisashí-san’s studio, with the new speakers looking like joining the group, it was bustling!
———– (sorry)


Should we give them names? (laugh)

“They’re marshmallow-like right?” Yahagicchi said, so, Marshmallow-chi maybe?

Hisashi-san, said they look like erasers, Earser-pyon maybe?

As for me it seems like “Haichuu” (Hi-chew), Haichuui ?

(Aaah Laughs)

Wich one do you think is the best?


Also also. We went!!

?? SETSTOCK’10??
Hiroshima SETSTOCK’10??

There was a little cloudy weather, but the fun atmosphere was the best!

A lot of people rushed and it became a fun live!!
On a tender atmosphere, the music was performed being deeply moved.

Thank you for your support!!

I want to meet everybody again.

Dewadewa buchiadieu.



????????SCHOOL OF LOCK“YUI LOCKS”??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Before going to Hiroshima there was a recording for SOL “YUI LOCKS”, over there it was the birthday of the always asisting Isao Masami-san so we did a celebration!

Isao Masami-san’s birthday

I wish you lot’s of happy moments from now on!

Hiroshima SETSTOCK!

Hiroshima SETSTOCK!


SETSTOCK’10 backstage

??????Let’s enjoy???
Let’s enjoy the Live ahead of us!!

?Let’s enjoy!?

The ground’s atmosphere

With the band members (Ah! Youko-san is not here!)



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