YUI Diary (2010.11.27) — Recording!



Translated by azmikun

Everyone, good evening.

I’m YUI.

What are you doing now?


Thanks for everyone who wrote a lot of thoughts about the new song!!

Today I’m doing recording.
Acoustic version recording.
It looks like it’s becoming a good feeling. Please look forward to it OK?

Recoding scenery.


well then, with happy?





Radio cassete-kun that recently came to Hisashi-san’s studio.

Radio cassete-kun

It’s been a while massukeshihaicchi speaker.


?????????×?? ??????
Book I read recently
Kawaguchi Kaiji-san x Tetsuo Fuji original work
[I am Beatles]

I am Beatles

In Hisashi-san dokutsubo, recently was doing “Look for the difference” right!!
For letting me many times disturb and letting me have fun
Hisashi-san, thank you ver much!

??????????“Play You.”???????????????????????????????
And then, thanks for your posts about your recently watched video on “Play You” site.
A lot of the things about scenery, music I met in Sweden has been inserted!
So, please if you have time try to see it OK!

Last, P.S of P.S that I uploaded in previous diary is,
while saying [Peace’s P.S right?] when Isshi taking photo was interesting.
Ishii thank you very much!

Well then!

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