YUI Diary (2011.03.08) — Arrival to Stores Day!!


Arrival to Stores Day!!

Translated by Kikino!

Good evening, its YUI.

How is everyone doing?

In good time, the traveling members who were just in ?e.u.Band?national travel of encounters?East Japan chapter?seem to have arrived in Hokkaido!!

In HMV where the live recording was being done, they let me intrude and make a Skype hook up!

People who came from afar, people who supported from far away, The people who made the recordings, Hisashi-san, Radio directo, Charisma promoter, and e.u.Band who worked very hard departing from Tokyo
Really really thank you so much!!

I had the premonition it would be a fun trip to western Japan! But now they are coming back so please take care!!

Changing the topic, in the message board i saw many messages like “The results of the exams are out”

From now on, let’s advance together!
I will always root for you!
I wish all of you to have Happy feelings all the time?

Dewa Dewa, Adiencountertour!



Today the LIVE DVD ?HOTEL HOLIDAYS IN THE SUN? arrives to the stores!!
I can’t wait ?

My computer and camera (webcam) during a Skype hook up

Dewa Dewa!

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