NYLON Magazine. YUI’s New Style Challenge!!
NYLON Magazine featured YUI with a style never seen before!
Credits to blackdog
I want my copy!
Visit the forum for more information!!
For high quality version of these pages, please visit this thread in the forum.
YUI featured in magazines in Shanghai
YUIs visit to Shanghai was covered by different media. We got these scans thanks to YUI CN
COOL Magazine
Shanghai TV
Visit the forum for more pictures!
YUI and YUI-Lovers featured in B=PASS December Issue!!
About a month ago, B=PASS asked readers to send questions to YUI through Twitter.
Blackdog and Hirotana helped YUI-Lover members to translate their questions.
aron94, azmikun, gotchi, nana, xerithn hamza and blackdog were selected and YUI answered their questions!
Congratulations everybody!
The magazine...
B-PASS April 2018 Issue
Follow this link for high resolution version and additional pages.