YUI-sensei Back Again!!!! SCHOOL OF LOCK! (2012.12.11) – English Translations


*Post updated with English Translations*

YUI ?SCHOOL OF LOCK!?2012/12/11, Time : 22:00?23:55 JST at TOKYO FM


YUI-sensei made a visit to the SCHOOL OF LOCK radio show yesterday.

This may be one of the last times she will be making a visit …until her return some day perhaps!

She performs a really nice performance of?TOKYO?. Here is a short recording of the broadcast (thanks bonzai).


Translations by: Hatsumichan, PWRTSM & Kikino!

YUI-sensei BACK AGAIN!!!!

??? 2012.12.11 ???
Live Broadcast 2012.12.11 Tuesday
Tonight… YUI-sensei is BACK AGAIN!!!!

YUI?????????????GREEN GARDEN POP??ORANGE GARDEN POP?????????????????
YUI-sensei is coming back to our school, bringing her first Best Albums, “GREEN GARDEN POP” and “ORANGE GARDEN POP.”

ALL YUI ??????YUI??????!!
Accordingly, tonight is the commemoration of the release of the Best Album??
So we’re holding an ALL YUI REQUESTS aka “YUI RIKU.”

We would like you to write and send in the songs of YUI-sensei that you’d like to hear now, along with a description of an occurrence of yours that is related to that song!!

? ???????? ?
“This week, and next week”

???SCHOOL OF LOCK!??????????????????
This week’s SCHOOL OF LOCK is in the middle of bringing you special classes every day!

And then… the content of next Monday’s class has also been decided!!

Next Monday, we’re bringing it to you live, not from the classroom, but from the music room!
The one who will bring an instrument into the music room and give us a live performance is………

The Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!
The Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!

???????????…The Birthday?????!!
“LetTouyama,” formerly Principal Touyama, who was taught music! the power of living! and how to be overwhelmingly cool by the band led by Chiba Yusuke… The Birthday-sensei will visit our school.

And on top of that! They’re gonna punch out a live performance from the music room yo?????

Well, and then! Visiting our school tonight in the live classroom…
is YUI-sensei????!!

???????????GREEN GARDEN POP??ORANGE GARDEN POP?????YUI??????????!!!!
Bringing her first Best Albums, “GREEN GARDEN POP” and “ORANGE GARDEN POP,” YUI-sensei is back again!!!!

It’s a Best Album piled with the history of the 8 years of YUI-sensei’s musical activities! ALL. SONGS. ARE. HIT. SONGS!!

???YUI?????????SCHOOL OF LOCK!?…
All YUI ???????YUI???????!!!
And in welcoming YUI-sensei, tonight’s SCHOOL OF LOCK! is…
holding an ALL YUI REQUESTS! aka “YUI RIKU”!!!

We want to to tell us the songs by YUI-sensei that you students want to hear right now! And also, an occurrence of yours associated with that song!

Well then… we’ve kept you all waiting!

From tonight’s live classroom is….

????2006?10?????YUI LOCKS!?????!!
Speaking of YUI-sensei… the first time she came to our school was in April of 2006! 6 and a half years ago… !
After that, from October of 2006, YUI LOCKS! started!!

??????????MY GENERATION??????????????????????????????????LIVE TOUR?YOUNG FLAG??????
Additionally, as a part of her Graduation Live Performances “MY GENERATION,” she did a secret performance with us at our graduation ceremony, and made an appearance at our school festival’s LIVE TOUR “YOUNG FLAG”.

YUI-sensei “It’s nostalgic, but it feels like it passed in the blink of an eye. But the fact that I can remember it so well as if it happened yesterday is also strange.”

Also… the other day, YUI-sensei announced that she was going on hiatus.

Principal Touyama “I was surprised but… I thought that YUI-sensei is really an honest and straightforward person, so I was like “OK” and accepted it very quickly.”

Vice Principal Yoshida “It didn’t seem to have that much of a negative feeling.”

Principal Toyama “Yeah. Moreover, I’m sure you’ve talked about this matter in many different places. So, we won’t ask any more thoughtless things! But if I were to say one thing about this, it’s that these past 6 and a half years were years that I was always supported by YUI-sensei’s music. Everyone loves YUI-sensei! And I’m saying this on behalf of everyone. Something like this takes quite a bit of determination doesn’t it? There’s no way we wouldn’t support her! So it’s more like a “Take care!” type of feeling!”

YUI-sensei “Thank you very much! I am saying that I’m going on a hiatus but… let’s all do our best together from now on!”

????YUI???????????????GREEN GARDEN POP??ORANGE GARDEN POP??????!!
Also! YUI-sensei released her best albums “GREEN GARDEN POP” and “ORANGE GARDEN POP” the other day!!

YUI?? “This album has songs that were chosen one by one from the singles and albums of the past 8 years, so there are songs that aren’t single songs in it too. I thought I wanted to put in songs that would give both discs a good balance, so the songs were picked so that each disc of the album feels like the set list of a concert.”

All YUI ??????YUI???!!!!
Tonight’s SCHOOL OF LOCK! is…
a commemoration of the release of YUI-sensei’s best album!

So let’s get right to it and make a phone call!

FALCON?Niigata Prefecture?18 years old?male

RN ??????YUI???…?GLORIA?
RN Falcon’s YUI RIKU is… “GLORIA” (note: “RN” stands for “Radio Name”)

FALCON “When I was in my 3rd year of junior high school, I had a high school that was my first choice that I wanted to go to, but when I was told by a teacher that “It’s gonna be tough to get in”, I was worried. During that time, I just happened to hear “GLORIA” at the store that I went to to buy stationary goods at! I was extremely moved and I got goosebumps, and I immediately bought the CD right then and there and went home and listened to it carefully. And then, even I don’t know why, but I couldn’t stop crying…. It related with my situation perfectly…. So then, with”GLORIA” supporting me, I was able to get into the high school of my first choice!”

Principal ? Vice Principal ? YUI-sensei “Woah?!”

YUI-sensei “I’m so happy! But, whenever I’m told “It was all thanks to your song that…” or something like that, I’m always very happy, but I’m sure that it’s because of the power that the person has that he/she was able to accomplish their goal. And also, I’m glad that you said that you like “GLORIA”! Thank you!”

FALCON “No, it is I who should say thank you very much!”

Principal Toyama “Isn’t it such a coincidence…?! Maybe some part of him was drawn to the song.”

YUI-sensei“Maybe he was drawn to it…! But yeah, I always think that music is such a wonderful thing, and it gets played in stores, or played in the town… And the fact that those encounters with music change people’s lives is something that I have actually felt as well, and so I think those encounters are truly such wonderful things.”

Principal Toyama “Isn’t that great, FALCON?! With this you can do your best again starting April next year right?” (note: the school year in Japan starts in April)

FALCON “Yeah! I’ll do my best!”

And next is…

yuzucrhyme?Hyogo Prefecture?18 years old?male

RN yuzucrhyme?YUI???…?again?
RN yuzucrhyme’s YUI RIKU is… “again”

yuzucrhyme “When I was in junior high school, I was in the baseball club and there was a time when I was in a slump and I couldn’t get a hit at all. At that time, “again” just happened to be playing on the radio, and I thought “I should go back to my starting point and try my best one more time!” And after that I started to be able to get hits! And I think the reason I can do my best like this everyday now is also because YUI-sensei’s “again” was there at that time!”

YUI-sensei “That’s awesome…! This song “again” was written when I restarted my activities after my first hiatus, and there is a lot of determination and resolution in this song. And like you said “the feeling of going back to your starting point…,” because I also have a song that I listen to when I think “I need to go back to my original intentions one more time,” so when I think that maybe “again” has become a song like that I’m very happy.”


???????????RN yuzucrhyme?YUI?????????????????????
Since this chance doesn’t come by too often, let’s have RN yuzucrhyme tell YUI-sensei something her wants her to know!

yuzucrhyme “All of your songs are so good, and they always move me. I’ll continue to support you! Please do your best!”

YUI-sensei “Thank you…!”

Principal Toyama“It’s especially during the exhausting times when students are preparing for examinations that we would like everyone to listen to “again” and do their best right?”

YUI-sensei “Yeah. Let’s be sure to take a few breaks in between while doing our best!”

yuzucrhyme“Yes, I will do my best!”

And next we’re gonna call this student!

Nyan?Osaka Prefecture?18 years old?female

RN ????YUI???…?crossroad?
RN Nyan’s YUI RIKU is… “crossroad”

Nyan “This is the song that connected me with the boy that I loved… When I was in my 3rd year of junior high school, there was a boy that I became good friends with because we had the fact that “we love YUI-sensei” in common, and I ended up falling in love with him…. When it was still just one-sided, I listened to “crossroad” every day. After that, he confessed to me and we started dating, but I heard from him later on that when he was thinking of me, he was also always listening to “crossroad!”

Principal Toyama “Ehhhhh????!”

NyanAfter that, we went to different high schools and ended up breaking up, but when I was in my first year of high school, I happened to see him in the goods line at one of YUI-sensei’s concerts…! At that time we just talked normally?but in my 2nd year of high school at one of YUI-sensei’s concerts in winter, our seats happened to be close together, and we were able to have a 2nd reunion! After that we started to keep in contact with each other again, and we’re really close friends now. Even now I still always listen to “crossroad” and it’s a song filled with my memories of him.”

YUI-sensei “That’s wonderful! I’m so touched that I don’t know what to say…! I think the song must also be very happy to hear this.”

Principal Toyama “Do you have anything you would like to say to YUI-sensei?”

Nyan “When I was preparing for exams or feeling depressed, I was always supported by YUI-sensei’s songs, so I’m really just full of gratitude towards YUI-sensei. If YUI-sensei could always continue to love music like the way she did when she first started music, I’d be happy. So I want you to keep being the YUI-sensei that loves music.”

YUI-sensei “I just got the happiest words from you. Thank you.”

Nyan “It’s nothing…!”

YUI-sensei “You also came to many of my concerts too huh? From now on, I will continue to live life while having fun, so Nyan you should have fun while living life too!”

Nyan “Okay!”

The next student is…

Mashukemu?Saitama Prefecture?17 years old?female

RN ??????YUI???…?LIFE?
RN Mashukemu’s YUI RIKU is… “LIFE”

Mashukemu “‘LIFE’ is the song that changed my life. When I was in junior high school, I was worried about my relations between my club members and my classmates, and there was a period of time when I didn’t want to go to school. But during that time, this song pushed me forward, and I became able to go to school with a positive outlook! Actually, right now I have a dream… I like English very much, so I want to get an international job. Because of that, I want to go to the International Christian University, but it’s a very difficult goal, and there are painful periods of time when I feel like I’m not good enough…. But, while I was supported by the song “LIFE,” the result of my hard work and not giving up is that I feel like I’ve gotten one step closer to my dream. “LIFE” is a song that has continued to support me from that time until now.”

YUI???????????????????????????????????????????…??????????????????…(?) ??????????????????????????
YUI-sensei “Thank you. You worked very hard, and while doing so, listened to this song huh. I’m so happy…! even though that’s the only thing I keep saying… lol. Congratulations on getting closer to your goal!”

Mashukemu “Thank you very much…!!”

Principal Toyama “You’re steadily progressing forward huh. Good job on getting this far. But from this point you must continue to progress forward right?!”

Mashukemu “Yes! I’ll do my best.
YUI-sensei has become the source of my strength now, and you’re the person that changed my life so… Thank you very much! I will always continue to love YUI, and I want to continue to follow YUI-sensei (and your music) forever! Please keep me in mind!

YUI-sensei “Thank you…! For listening to many of my songs, and for saying that “I was able to do my best because of them”… I always want to give back for the feelings of gratitude that I have, I want to return the favor, but then I end up receiving so many things like this again, that I think there’s a really good cycle going on. Having you tell me things like this is the best source for writing songs. Thank you!”

Mashukemu “Thank you very much…!”

And just like that, it’s blackboard time!

For today’s last blackboard, YUI-sensei take it away!

YUI????????????????????????????????????????????SCHOOL OF LOCK!???????????????????????????????????????????????…????????????????????????
YUI-sensei “Today, we got many requests from all the students, and I was so moved that I thought I would cry. I’m really indebted to everyone at SCHOOL OF LOCK, and receiving all the requests, and all their thoughts about the songs… I always get energy from them. Thank you very much.
As a thank you for sending all the requests and messages, I’d like to play a song for you.


Principal Toyama “Thank you. All I can say is thank you…”

Vice Principal Yoshida “There is nothing left for us to say.”

Principal Toyama ” Today, depending on whether the words that YUI-sensei said while facing all of you students, and the song “TOKYO” that she sang for us right now remain in your heart or not, I think that tomorrow will be a little bit different huh. They will remain in the hearts of the students that listened today, and at that point, I think tomorrow should definitely be a good day.”

YUI??????????????SCHOOL OF LOCK!???????????????????????????????????????????????????????“?????”?????????????????????????????????????????????
YUI-sensei “Thank you very much. I got a lot of feelings from all the students of SCHOOL OF LOCK, and from the principal and the vice principal as well. I’m feeling a little sad too, but for giving me a lot of times to say “thank you” today, I truly thank you very much. Please continue to support me from now on.

Principal Toyama “That’s right. It’s “Please continue to support me from now on.” Please just casually drop in and have fun with us again!

YUI-sensei “Okay! I’ll wave at you from outside (lol)”

Vice Principal Yoshida “Please come INSIDE! (lol).

?????????????!! ?????????????!!!!
YUI-sensei! Thank you very much for today!!
By all means, please come and have fun with us again!! We will always be waiting here for you!!!!



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