Translated by shimatta-kun!
Correction by Kippei
Good afternoon
YUI ???
It’s YUI
???????????????????? ???????????
Thank you for your comments regarding Black Thunder!
I wasnt expecting such a reaction, I was surprised.
As one would expect from Black Thunder right?
?????????????????2??? ???????MUSIC JAPAN???????????
Today (or yesterday, technically speaking) I went to a recording (MUSIC JAPAN) after 2 years!
???? ?????????????????????????????
After a long time I felt this mysterious sensation, but it all ended without problems.
?????? MUSIC VIDEO??????????????????????????????????
I was together with (band) bember in the music video, Christian, and the usual member Backy!
? ??????????????????
Dewa dewa, let’s give our best tomorrow!
?? ???????
Thank you for the hard work!
? ??
In front of the dressing room.
Caption: MUSIC JAPAN?? – MUSIC JAPAN Dressing room
???????????(?? ??????????????????????)
Stylist Date-cchi (or something) (Having the serious responsability of rising a child, really thank you so much!)
Caption: ?????????? – Stylist Date-cchi
Dewa dewa!
Post your comments in the forum!