Kamisama — Sacchan’s Comment
?? sacchan
Kamisama (God)
Translated by Leo and Jeff.
A theme or riff you know as soon as you hear it.
Although I think it’s a requirement of the classics,
the riff of Kamisama almost has that impact don’t you think.
That riff and, hard...
Kamisama — Mafumafu and Murajun Comments
?? mafumafu
Kamisama (God)
Translation Leo and Jeff.
For this song we chose the chord progression, then while repeating the session, wondered if there was anything in the phrase that would perhaps become the theme.
In the early days, I was playing slap,...
Negai — comment from murajun (2014.12.07)
?? mura?jun
English translation by Haluta
FLOWER FLOWER??????????????????????
In the course of going into the studio without much purpose,
We eventually thought "Let's jam!"
I feel it's the song made during this first session.
What I recall clearly is
That the introduction was completed at the...
Negai — comment from sacchan (2014.12.06)
Translated by Spring-san
This is the song made during the first jam session.
I remember well.
that mura?jun came late and struggled to recover lol.
Be that as it may, by doing jam session from the place where there was nothing,
I remember that...
Negai — comment from mafumafu (2014.12.05)
FLOWER FLOWER???????????????????????
A jamming session song that we prepared as the recently formed FLOWER FLOWER.
By chance I listened to a recording of a rehearsal at that time.
It was a completely unplanned session, and yet, the song sounds so good it...
sacchan DIARY (2014.11.29) — “Mi” release part 4
"Mi" release part 4
Translation by Leo and Jeff.
Good Evening. Sacchan here.
Furafura were able to release their first album.
Thank you very much
I'm very happy.
yui: “Are you good at **?”
Me: “ Y, yes...”
When we started Furafura, those were the details...